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Battlefields to Business – Learning with a twist!

America’s battlefields and historic landmarks — hallowed ground where destinies were created and great struggles took place — are more than just vacant fields, marble statues, and preserved military artifacts. They all contain important lessons for today’s generation to learn from. This unique program allows your organization to pull those lessons from the battlefield and apply them to your business or organization.

Surprisingly, many aspects of America’s historic battles bear similarities to the challenges facing businesses today: The role of leadership & command, communication, planning, execution, supply, responsibilities, teamwork, support, working through crises, dealing with “shift happens”, overcoming obstacles & adversity, proper use of resources, etc.

“Battlefields to Business”, developed by Gary Hernbroth, Chief Motivating Officer of Training for Winners, affords your group a hands-on, interactive experience like no other, combining the benefits of a “you-are-there” feeling of history with the urgency of today’s business challenges.

How it Works

Your group will enjoy a customized tour with licensed battlefield guides, experiencing one of America’s famous battlefield/ historical landmarks from the ground level in Fredericksburg, VA, just as the officers and soldiers did. Following the tour, your group will convene in a workshop session to dissect and discuss the various aspects of the battle or event – What went right, what went wrong, what could have been done differently – all related back in terms of the business application to your organization – helping to move your team forward. The sequence events and timing of program is fully customized to your group’s requirements. Truly, this is the ultimate “adult field trip”!

Watch out Youtube video on the program

group doing Battlefields to Business tour

Contact Battlefields to Business – Learning with a twist!

(925) 736-9392