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Women’s History Month – Anne Kemp, Dragonfly Yoga Studio

WHM -Anne Kemp Dragonfly YogaWhen Anne Kemp took her first yoga class in 2002, she said it was unlike anything that she had done in her life. Her body felt different, her energy felt different, and her mind felt more clear. After 16 years of practicing yoga, in 2018, Kemp became the owner of Dragonfly Yoga Studio in Fredericksburg. 

While Kemp loves many other forms of fitness, she believes that yoga is far beyond them. She said that since yoga strengthens not only the body but the mind as well, it is an incredibly healthy way to exercise. 

“It’s a lifestyle,” Kemp said. “It’s something that was here long before any of us were here, and will be around long after.”

Kemp said that it is a true honor to see the impact that she, and the other Dragonfly instructors, have seen in their yoga students. She has seen significant growth in the women who attend yoga, and is happy that she can be a part of helping them grow and strengthen. She also loves how these women come together, and meet each other, through yoga. 

“There’s such a community here,” Kemp said.

For Kemp personally, yoga makes her feel complete. She said that with a lack of connection in society currently, rolling out her yoga mat, and practicing yoga, allows her to feel a connection with the world and the people around her. For Kemp it is an incredible feeling, a feeling that she hopes everyone can experience, particularly her students at Dragonfly Yoga. 

Dragonfly Yoga Studio is located at 810 Caroline Street, and has a location for hot yoga at 501 William Street. Follow them on Facebook.

💻 Read more about the amazing women in Fredericksburg on our Women’s History Month page here.